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If you’re having any other issues with one of our products or services, please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know how we can be of assistance! Email: 7/24h Live Chat: Support widget -> Live chat/Leave a message Also,Providing the device serial number will help us better resolve the issue. Here are the steps:
How to find the serial number of camera?
When you encounter an issue and the issue isn't able to be resolved after a simple technical self-check, the serial number (S/N) of the camera is needed for our tech team to further investigate the issue.
The serial number (S/N) of the camera is usually written on the label attached to the camera body, starting with (S/N).
Usually, there is a QR code next to the serial number on the label attached to the camera body. The QR code also includes the camera's serial number.
If you use your phone's camera or phone's scanner to scan the QR code, the scan result will be the camera's serial number.
If you use our app to scan the QR code when submitting feedback, after tapping the "Scan QR Code" button, the scan result will also be the camera's serial number.
If you have added the camera to the app, you can also tap the camera "setting" icon tap the ">" extension icon to find the camera's serial number.