How to clean ?
use "Hicircle" as the example
Step 1: Unplug the charging cable and put on the silicone cover.
Step 2:
Using the Pull Tab on the base of the feeder, remove the Bird Feeder from the bracket.
Step 3:
A. Put your fingers in the clasp position and gently press upwards.
B. Open the top cover upwards.
Step 4: Pour water on both sides of the seed reservoir. Do not wash in the middle of the camera or any of its components.
They are water resistant, not waterproof. Dry the feeder, including the seed reservoir.
Step 5: Cover the Roof: Pull the cover back in good position with buckle.
Step 6: Re-attach the bracket to the Bird Feeder base.
Step 7: Open the silicone plug, replug in the Solar Panel.